90% Reduction in Form Creation Time

Revamped the form builder's conditional logic flow, achieving a 90% time reduction in custom form creation for the Implementations Team and Solution Architects. This was accomplished through discovery interviews, information architecture optimization, usability test, language simplification, step minimization, and UI enhancements.



May 2023 - June 2023


Discovery, Testing, Prototyping, UI Design

Problem Statement

Creating customized forms for individual police agencies posed a significant challenge. The solutions architecture and implementation teams required a three-month onboarding process, along with 2-3 hours to complete each 20-question form.

Simplifying Conditional Logic for Solutions Architects & Implementation Teams

The conditional logic inside form builder was designed for internal staff, whose main responsibility is successful customer deployment.

They initially used a complex internal tool that required a steep learning curve, with at least three months needed for training.

Additionally, each police agency had unique forms with custom logic, adding to deployment time, increasing costs, and causing employee frustration.

My Role in the project

As the Senior UX Designer, I worked closely with our Product Manager, Front-End Developer, and QA team to streamline conditional logic form creation.

My role involved interviewing internal staff to identify pain points, analyzing similar solutions for insights, designing the interface, and running usability tests to find areas for improvement.

The Goal: Full Coverage of Existing Form Conditions

Our product managers aimed for the MVP to cover all existing conditions in the current form builder. This ensures a smooth transition for all agencies to the new software.

To achieve this, we first identified the existing use-cases for conditional logic in our forms. This involved exploring data and conducting interviews.

Week One

Planning & Collaboration

In the first half of the week, I talked to product managers and engineers to understand the conditions used in our current system.

Worked with my product managed to gather qualitative data looking at the most common rules. At the same time, I prepared an interview guide and scheduled talks with solutions architects and implementation specialists.

The goal was to understand their issues with the existing software and find ways to make it easier to use and quicker to implement.

80% of rules were covered by two cases

Initial Blueprint Detailing the Project Workflow

Comparative Analysis

In the second half, I focused on comparing conditional form logic across different tools and libraries. I collaborated with my front-end engineer to see if we could use an existing solution.

Comparative Analysis of Conditional Logic Approaches

Week Two

Discovery Interviews

The second week involved conducting discovery interviews with five internal staff members.

We aimed to understand common issues and the types of rules they created for different agencies. The key finding was that "Required Fields & Showing/Hiding Fields" accounted for about 80% of the rules. Based on this, I created workflow diagrams and sketch mockups.

Challenges with the Internal Tool

  • The tool was hard to learn, requiring about three months of training.

  • There was no guide or documentation to help staff understand the tool.

  • The language was too technical for staff without a coding background.

Sketching & Collaboration

I then presented these findings and sketches to my product manager and design team. Together, we planned a two-week sprint to prototype these solutions.

Exploring Scenarios for Multiple Conditions

Evaluating Various Conditional Alternatives

Week Three

High Fidelity Mockups & Prototype

This week, I created high-fidelity designs based on user stories. I designed two prototypes to test different logic approaches, ensuring we weren't complicating the process.

Usability testing prototype

Week Four

I prepared usability scripts, tasks and conducted moderated tests with five internal users.

Examining Tasks for Usability Testing

Planning the Usability Test Structure

Usability Testing & Final Review

The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with most finding the new design "Very Easy" to use. The new design could reduce onboarding time from months to days and save hours in form design.

We concluded with a meeting to discuss findings and next steps for implementation with the Product Manager, Engineering, and QA teams.

Examining Tasks for Usability Testing

Planning the Usability Test Structure